New Player Information

If you or your child has never been to a Pokemon league or event before, this page will give you some basic information that you will need to know. Of course, you can always contact a league leader for further information.

Pokemon Leagues
Official Pokemon leagues are situated all over the world. Leagues are fun, safe environments for Pokemon fans to come together and play casual card games and DS battles. At each league, there are League Leaders who are responsible people in charge of running leagues and events. Bringing your own cards or DS to league is recommended, but not required. Leagues are completely free, and all ages are welcome!

Official Pokemon events are often held in Tasmania. This includes annual City and State Championships. These events are normally free, but occasionally there may be a $5 entry fee to cover a venue cost. Entering these events means the chance to win some great Pokemon prizes! However, special rules often apply to official events. You will need to have a legal deck, meaning you can only use cards from the sets mentioned on the front page. Since new sets are being released all the time, having a list of legal sets means that everyone plays with the same kinds of cards. This keeps games fair, since the newer cards tend to be 'stronger' than ones from older sets. Another thing you will need when entering an event is a deck list. This is simply a list of all the cards in your deck so that league leaders can easily make sure that your deck is legal. You can find a link to an online deck list maker on the links page.

Pre-Releases are the only events that require a registration fee. Pre-Releases are fun events where each player is given 8 booster packs from a set that hasn't been commercially released yet. From these packs, you make a deck of 40 cards and play against other participants. Pre-Releases typically cost around $40- however, this works out cheaper than if you bought 8 booster packs seperately. In addition, you get the cards before they are released and you will also recieve a special promo card and a pack of deck sleeves.

Fake Cards
Fake cards are not allowed to be used in any Pokemon leagues or tournaments. If you have suspected fake cards, bring them in to league where a League Leader can deal with them and give you some real cards in exchange. We advise parents and Pokemon players to only purchase cards from well known retail stores such as Target and Big W. Area52 on Liverpool street, Hobart also sells legitimate cards and are a little cheaper than cards you can find elsewhere. We also advise parents not to let their children trade their cards at school- not only could they unknowingly trade for fakes, but the trade could be unfair too. At Kingston League, trading is encouraged but only allowed after a League Leader has deemed the trade fair. Please view the fake cards page for more information.